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For Married Men ONLY

Resources to build up and strengthen your marriage.

Men, I know marriage is tough.  I've been married for over 22 years, and the first 17 years were not a lot of fun.  It has taken a long time to figure out how to love my wife well, and so I would like to share with you some hidden gems I have figured out along the way. 



Start by watching this 10 minute video from the marriage series

"Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage"

Follow These Links for my tips and tricks


My wife's primary love language is "Word's of Affirmation" and she doesn't just like me to tell her that I love her, she likes it written down.  That is not my strong suit but I have found some creative ways to do this over the years.  These ideas seem to work best when done for no reason at all, (and with no ulterior motives).  My hope is that some of these ideas will help spark creativity and romance in your marriage too.


This website for men is a work in progress, but maybe here are a few ideas to help get you started.  Be sure to share your ideas and tips with me so I can add them to this site.


1.  Prayer and Fasting


2.  Sticky Note Hide and Seek


3.  The Bathroom Mirror


4.  Gifts and Cards


5.  Quality Time


6.  Sexless (Physical) Touch


7.  Couch Time


8.  Date Your Kids


9.  Interactive Resources to do with your wife


10. Devotional Thoughts 


11. Counseling


12. Sex Positions (a Christian Friendly Resource Guide)


13. Time Management Schedule


14. The Newly Wed Game Questions   (How to create conversation with your wife).



Taking a Stand Spiritually


Incase you missed it, every week we pray and fast for our wives.  Most of us have chosen to eat an early supper on Sunday and a late supper on Monday.  Fasting 24 hours and missing 2 meals as we pray for our wives.  There is nothing magical about this time, and occasionally it won't work and we pick a different day or time, but for consistency that is what most of us have chosen to aim for.  Will you join us?  If so click the "Contact us" button and let me know.  I will add you to my personal prayer list, and text you a weekly encouragement as you start your fast. (or click the "Prayer and Fasting" link above for more information).

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